Touchwood by Adamcos Scientific, the web based Natural Language Dialog System, allows to script
natural language dialogs around topics and data of your choice using flexible pattern matching and a
powerful transition → node → transition(s) system.
Touchwood by Adamcos Scientific offers:
- Hierarchical Concepts: A Concept/synonym definition may contain other concepts
- Multiple output phrases per output node with four selection modes: Sequential cyclic, sequential stop, script, and random
- Node stack: User input may trigger another dialog which returns to the node it left upon completion
- Architecture supports multiple pattern types
- Dialog designers can add test input phrases to test their patterns and see the results immediately
- Test phrases can be marked as "should match" or "should not match" for highlighting and future automated testing
- Dialog designer is warned when an input phrase would be consumed by a trigger of higher priority
- Script access to matches by name of Concept and user assigned names for sub-patterns
- Assignments shown under test input phrases for easy script writing
- Easy Internationalization through reusing existing dialog structure
- Low entry cost, no proprietary server setup required
and more …